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The most *dangerous* type of income

There are TWO types of income: Recurring and Windfall.

And Windfall income is SEXY.

But… It's also dangerous.

Windfall income is seductive. It lures entrepreneurs into a false sense of security…

Tempting them to include that one-time revenue into future income projections.

So that new project or unexpected boost in sales suddenly FEELS like the new norm.

You may feel like you’re smart enough NOT to do this.

But let me ask you:

After hitting a record high month, quarter, or year.... Have you ever felt disappointed when the following month, quarter, or year was lower than that high?

Yeah. That’s the principle playing out in your real life and business.

No judgment here because it’s simply human nature for this to happen.

But here’s the problem: treating windfall income like recurring revenue results in making decisions based on faulty assumptions.

You may hire more staff…

Invest in new, flashy equipment…

Or even splurge on a new house for yourself and your family.

All in the name of “growth.”

But what happens if that one-time revenue dries up? You’re left with the ballooning expenses that quickly can outpace your actual sustainable income.

The truth is, windfall income can expose risk for the untrained entrepreneur.

So, how do you protect yourself from the deceptive lure of windfalls? Awareness. Proper categorization. And vigilance.

I recommend you explicitly categorize income as windfall or recurring. Even if you feel like you know which is which -- seeing it on paper makes it even more clear for yourself and your team.

Do NOT use windfall income to fund RECURRING expenses.

Be both careful and ruthless here.

Build your growth strategies around your stable, predictable income streams.

Predictable income streams like: subscription services, long-term retainer contracts, or loyal customer foot traffic.

Things you can count on to hit your bank account every single month or year after year.

And when those windfalls do come in, treat them as opportunities to fund ONE OFF initiatives, like a bonus to key team members or distributions to yourself to fund your goals .

If you’ve got questions about how to best invest a windfall, reply to this email. Your questions help me curate content that is most beneficial for you.

Here’s to your success and financial certainty,

Warm regards,

Dan Nicholson

Founder, Nth Degree CPAs
Author of “Rigging the Game”

Dan Nicholson headshot
Dan Nicholson CPA, CGMA

Dan Nicholson is the author of “Rigging the Game: How to Achieve Financial Certainty, Navigate Risk and Make Money on Your Own Terms,” deemed a best-seller by USA Today and The Wall Street Journal.

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