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what happens when you eliminate all downside?

You’re left with…

The secret to success is not in the chasing of more upside, but in eliminating the downside.

That's the strategy employed by Wall Street giants and billionaire investors.

It may look like these types always get “lucky...”

But the truth is they ENGINEER luck.

In other words, they MAKE luck happen for them.


By minimizing downside risk.

If these successful types make it virtually impossible to fall off of a cliff or hit a major pitfall...

They’re exclusively left with asymmetric opportunities skewed in their favor.

They take THOSE opportunities and either say no to the rest... or they modify the rest, turning them into a bet with asymmetric upside and little-to-no downside risk.

Now I know what you’re thinking...

“Sounds great Dan. But how do I actually DO this consistently in my business and life?”

First, you must pay attention to this major, but nearly always overlooked, key ingredient:

The potential downside risk in any situation must be so low that if the worst case scenario occurs, it won’t stop you from playing the game.

In other words: you won’t be blown up and forced to withdraw yourself.

Here’s a tax related example:

Recently, I learned of an entrepreneur who spent $1M to avoid paying $200K in taxes…

And while initially, that sounds great because he got his tax burden down to zero…

There is LARGE downside risk that may even “take him out of the game” if things go south.

Now, it’s important that I be fair in my assessment and look at the upside, so let’s start there: assuming this business continues growing and the $1M in investments work out - this entrepreneur will see a good outcome.

But it doesn’t change the reality and the math of asymmetry.

We’re talking about $1M risked or tied up/illiquid to save $200,000. The math shows that’s asymmetry to the downside, and it’s what we want to avoid.

What this means practically?

If this entrepreneur has majorly depleted his cash reserves to reduce his tax burden...

And the business doesn’t continue to grow or sustain the same level of take-home-profit for this entrepreneur...

(Say there’s ‘concentration risk’ where they serve one major client and that client goes bye bye for whatever reason).

What happens when payroll hits?

Or some unexpected expense comes around?

It could be devastating.

And if this seems like an extreme example, the hard reality is that it’s not.

82% of small businesses fail because of cash flow issues just like this.

So it’s way more prevalent a problem than it is a rare occurrence.

Not to mention that this entrepreneur has now put their company in a spot where he may not have the resources on hand to invest in a great opportunity if it comes his way.

If he did the proper tax planning throughout the year like we do at Nth Degree CPAs, he could have had the SAME tax advantages...

WITHOUT taking on all of that downside risk.

This is the game. Eliminate downside risk.

Here’s another example you're probably familiar with: instead of putting an entire $100K investment into a single crypto currency or a stock…

You split it up into 10 different investments with the understanding that many of these may fail.

But you’re playing for 1, maybe 2 out of the 10 to have a 10X, 100X, even 1000X return… making the investment as a whole worthwhile.

This has lower downside risk than YOLOing all $100K into one place -- which would yield you a single point of potential failure.

But here’s the catch with this example that most people don’t talk about: human nature is a tricky thing. Should we see 1 of our 10 plays skyrocket, it’s easy to fall into the trap of thinking “I should have put it all into that one!”

This is called hindsight bias.

And it’s the siren song of greed - leading us straight into the rocks of downside asymmetry.

The smart play is to understand that you may feel hindsight bias, but not become prey to it. Dare I say, instead feel grateful that you’ve hit a winner.

And like the best business people and investors in the game, stick to your strategy of minimizing downside risk.

Start focusing on building a solid foundation that eliminates all the downside.

By doing so, we open ourselves up to the ultimate upside potential…

Which, not shockingly, can naturally lead to more, more, more profit.

Just a little insight for you to start the weekend. :)  

Here’s to your success and financial certainty,

Warm regards,

Dan Nicholson

Founder, Nth Degree CPAs
Author of “Rigging the Game”

Dan Nicholson headshot
Dan Nicholson CPA, CGMA

Dan Nicholson is the author of “Rigging the Game: How to Achieve Financial Certainty, Navigate Risk and Make Money on Your Own Terms,” deemed a best-seller by USA Today and The Wall Street Journal.

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